They drop it as Lady Not-Appearing-in-This-Game. The character roster changes every day.

Unless there was someone who went to the arcade every single day, they could just assume she's a character that they keep missing. Or maybe that she's a character who shows up very rarely. I frankly don't see why any of this even matters.So what? What are they going to do about it? Declare the game out of order because one character seems to be missing from it? Theorize that an entire world exists inside of the arcade's power strip and that the girl on the side of the console was part of some conspiracy where she was dethroned and turned into a glitch due to someone sabotaging her code? Even if they did see the picture of Vanellope and did pay special attention to it and did think it was some sort of glitch, as opposed to just attributing it to the "random" roster selection. It kind of looks like there are 'two' Sugar Rush's in the arcade, right next to each other? Not the most familiar with arcade games I'd assume they're still connected somehow? I'm not saying it has two screens- there's a tiny bit of space in between, it looks just like two 'different' games next to each other would.I mean, at the very end, Vanellope is racing on one screen, while the other screen is one that 'Press Start'-type screen. But, I'm 'assuming' that they would still be the one game, but that leads to the question of, What if there are multiple copies of the same game in the same arcade? But in the slight possibility that there were indeed 'two' Sugar Rushes.

That would mean everything was perfectly fine in the other one. Both stations are the same Sugar Rush game.
In-game, there are two camera-toting marshmallows who have the duty of supplying the video feed for each player's race, with one getting player 1's driver and the other getting whichever driver player 2 chose.