Trackingīefore players fight the colossi, they will first need to track them down. He will only go at the pace Wander makes him, he gets spooked by colossi and loud noises, and he often navigates away from ledges on his own. One aspect that makes Agro unique is how alive he seems to the player.
Players can also perform certain tricks and stunts, such as standing on top of the horse, hanging down to the side, or even jumping off at full speed - propelling the player to places otherwise out of reach. When riding Agro, players are able to use the bow and aim independently of the horse's direction, even firing arrows directly behind Wander. Many colossi require Agro's assistance to take down, whether it be to mount the colossus, or simply keep a step ahead. Wander is joined by Agro, his horse and sole companion on this adventure.

These new items range from a cloak that functions as a parachute to a whistling arrow capable of attracting the attention of the colossi to a the Queen's Sword from Ico. Although players will not find any new weapons in their journey, it is possible for them to collect new items and upgrades by defeating the game's massive bosses again in a Time Attack mode.Players will find that arrows are largely ineffective against the colossi, but will attract their attention. The bow is much less a weapon as it is a tool.The reflected sunlight also reveals the location of their weak points. By holding the sword up to the sunlight, the direction to the next colossi will be revealed.The player only has two weapons throughout the course of the game: a sword and a bow. Some battles involve using the surrounding environment in very specific ways. Many boss fights combine elements of platforming and puzzle-solving, as different strategies will need to be executed in order to climb the larger colossi and reach their weak points. Wander begins the game with a sword and bow and arrows, the only weapons provided to defeat all of the colossi. The Forbidden Land that these colossi inhabit is both expansive and serene, with no other enemies in between the sixteen boss battles. The singular goal of Shadow of the Colossus is to find the sixteen colossi located throughout the world and kill them. In 2018, Shadow of the Colossus received a remake with a full graphical overhaul for the PlayStation 4 from Bluepoint Games. The game was later re-released for the PlayStation 3 along with Ico in a two-game HD collection. Shadow of the Colossus is generally considered to be both a prequel and a spiritual successor to Ico, Team Ico's first release. Wander's journey pits him against the massive " Colossi": sixteen powerful golems created long ago that roam the Forbidden Land, an uninhabited region of the world that is said to hold the means to restore the souls of the dead. The player controls Wander, a young warrior who seeks to revive a dead maiden named Mono. Shadow of the Colossus is a third-person action-adventure game developed by Team Ico and originally published by Sony Computer Entertainment in 2005 for the PlayStation 2.